Employer Consulting Services
Employers need to attract, retain and motivate employees, while controlling employment costs and risks against a background of increasing payroll taxes, ever more regulatory burdens, and constantly evolving market practice in this area.
Your need may be for access to someone able to give quick, practical advice on questions as they arise in your day to day work, and who can be relied on to keep you up to date with changes in law and practice which affect you as an employer. You may from time to time need more extensive help in any of the areas outlined below.
We can help design a remuneration strategy to attract, retain and motivate the right people, and where appropriate implement share plans, bonus plans and other forms of remuneration to support your business strategy.
We help employers in writing or reviewing policies on pay, benefits and expenses, termination payments, engagement of consultants, construction industry subcontractors, and so on, taking account of the tax and NIC and other regulatory rules, and the experience of many other clients in formulating policy in this area. We also help to minimise tax reporting obligations by negotiating form P11D dispensations, PAYE settlement agreements, and so on.
We help clients at all stages of enquiry visits by HMRC to check PAYE/NIC compliance including preparation for a review, conduct during it and negotiating settlements where claims for tax arise.
We provide a range of services to help employers deal with international assignments, including help in structuring assignments so as to cater for the complexity of exposure to more than one tax regime, guiding assignees on their obligations, assisting with their personal tax compliance in the home and host countries and liaising with HMRC on behalf of the employer and the assignee.