Due Diligence

Due Diligence2018-12-03T19:03:17+04:00

Due Diligence

Without doubt the success of an acquisition to an acquirer – be it a corporate or financial investor – can be significantly influenced by the extent and quality of due diligence undertaken. Financial due diligence is a key aspect of the overall investigation into the target.

Our financial due diligence specialists are extremely experienced in providing:

  • due diligence for financial investors, banks and private equity houses (e.g. when considering funding a management buy-out, ‘MBO’)
  • due diligence in the course of a corporate acquisition, in which case we report to the acquirer’s management and, where appropriate, their funders
  • vendor due diligence – this is commissioned by a vendor, but remains a robust independent review upon which ultimately a purchaser can place legal reliance. It identifies potential issues and reduces the probability of these eroding

value as they can be addressed by the vendor rather than being a negotiating tool if left to be found by the purchaser.
The scope of financial due diligence commissioned will always be ‘deal’ specific, but typically includes:

  • an in-depth analysis of underlying historic performance, cash flows, assets and liabilities
  • a critique of management’s forecasts, including the working capital requirements of the business
  • a review of the underlying financial systems and controls
  • analysis of the taxation position of the business.

In all cases our report will include a summary of the key issues arising along with our views on the associated risk and implications for the deal. This will include integration and other post deal issues where appropriate

Ready to talk?

Contact our local office in Tbilisi, Georgia

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