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Established in July 1996 and based in Tbilisi, Baker Tilly Georgia Limited, though a youngster from the worldwide prospective, is a true pioneer of professional accountancy and business advisory services in the country. Being one of the very first accountancy firms in Georgia, Baker Tilly Georgia Limited enjoys being on the top of various professional charts and rankings. Over the past few years of existence, the firm managed to build reputation of reliable and the highest quality professional services provider. Licensed in general, insurance, bank and exchange audits together with the largest professional workforce in the country the firm is capable of providing accounting and business advisory services to medium and large business in virtually any industrial field.
As the leader in our field, we feel the burden of acute responsibility for meeting the general expectations of a ‘model’ professional accountancy firm. We are confronting and fulfilling the responsibility by the only true means, which has already led us to the top – uncompromised adherence to international professional standards and the Code of Ethics for professional accountants. Keeping fingers on the pulse of worldwide developments in our professional field, our Quality Monitoring Policy ensures that our clients receive supreme quality, technologically up-to-date services. Having global insight, we carefully formulate local approach aiming to create atmosphere where keeping pace with the world comes in the comfort and security of home.
As of February 2003 Baker Tilly Georgia Limited is an independent member of Baker Tilly International. Baker Tilly International is a network of high quality, independent accountancy and business advisory It is the 8th largest network in the world by fee income and is represented by 126 firms in 147 countries (769 offices), with a global aggregate fee income of $3.4 billion and 30,500 staff worldwide. services firms, all of whom are committed to providing the best possible service to their clients, in their own marketplaces, and across the world, wherever the client needs help.
Baker Tilly Georgia Ltd is an independent member of Baker Tilly International. Baker Tilly International Limited is an English company. Baker Tilly International provides no professional services to clients. Each member firm is a separate and independent legal entity and each describes itself as such. Baker Tilly Georgia Ltd is not Baker Tilly International’s agent and does not have the authority to bind Baker Tilly International or act on Baker Tilly International’s behalf. None of Baker Tilly International, Baker Tilly Georgia Ltd, nor any of the other member firms of Baker Tilly International has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions. The name Baker Tilly and its associated logo is used under licence from Baker Tilly International Limited.