There will frequently be several facets to every tax decision. To see how the questions around tax all fit together, ask Baker Tilly Georgia.
We have experience, knowledge and understanding of taxation and appreciate the needs of both business and personal clients.
As the client, you require well thought-out plans that address your situation as a whole – a ‘quick fix’ that works advantageously for one tax may not do so for others. Baker Tilly Georgia can provide you with balanced, integrated solutions covering potential liabilities for all forms of tax in Georgia.
For international and expatriate tax issues we also offer connections to equivalent services in other jurisdictions around the world through Baker Tilly International.
In Georgia, we have close working relationships and regular dialogue with Revenue Services, and often contribute to government consultations on taxation issues.
The formation of RS with new powers and working methods presents a whole new range of challenges to which we remain fully alert when advising our clients.
Tax Services

Ivane Jelia
Managing Partner
Tel./Fax: +995 32 2438999 (103)
Mobile: +995 599 557393